Fecha de publicación: 08/02/2023
Nombre | Papel |
Junta de examinadores:
Nombre | Papel |
AUGUSTO CÉSAR RUEDA MEDINA | Internal Examiner * |
GIOVANI FREIRE AZEREDO | External Examiner * |
Sumario: The generation of electricity from sources close to the consumer is growing rapidly due,among other factors, to a global concern to reduce the emission of pollutants, the benefitsto the user and the cheap access to generation technologies (such as photovoltaics). ).Despite these advantages, the insertion of other sources in distribution feeders can causealterations in the original network parameters, such as power flow, voltage levels andshort-circuit levels, among others. In this sense, a power incident is one of the most relevantrisks associated with an electric arc in an electrical installation and is directly connectedto short circuit current and fault clearing time. UsingsoftwareOpenDSS and MATLAB®,this work simulated the 13-node and 34-node IEEE feeders in steady state to analyze theimpacts of high penetration of distributed photovoltaic generation (GDFV) on energylevels incident (EI) from the network. For the 13-knot feeder, it was concluded that, forthe same arc elimination time, the EI level increased, indicating an increase in the riskassociated with burns due to electrical arcs. For the 34 knot feeder, for the same arcelimination time, the results indicated reductions in the EI levels and in the arc limitdistance (AFB). This indicates that the integration of the GDFV can contribute to thereduction of risks associated with the electric arc. In some cases, the EI variations were notsufficient to require the reduction of the flame-retardant PPE category to the networksoriginal PPE. Also, note that the arc elimination time is a determining factor in incidentenergy levels, being responsible for large increases in EI and AFB as it increases. Theseresults underscore the importance of studies with simulations for prior mapping of theincident energy variation scenarios on a feeder due to the integration of GDFV, in orderto avoid scenarios of maximum EI protection, as they represent an increase in networkrisks, and to seek the minimum EI scenarios, in order to take advantage of this reductionin the risks associated with the electric arc.