Program historical

The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) began in 1991 with a Master's degree, graduating the first Master in 1993, Alberto Nogueira de Castro Júnior. The PhD course began years later, in 1997, with the first doctor graduating in 2001, Attilio Provedel. The creation of the course was a main initiative of professors Edson de Paula Ferreira and Mário Sarcinelli Filho, and included several professors involved in continuing education.

Initially, the program's area of concentration was Automation, which was changed in 2018 to Electrical
Engineering, with the 4 current research fields:

Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing (EBP);
Power Processing and Electrical Systems (PES);
Robotics, Control and Automation (RCA); and
Telecommunications and Information Technology (TTI).

Today, our view is that the Program is consolidated: it has already graduated more than 499 Masters and 165 Doctors, and is rated as VERY GOOD (concept 5 in the latest CAPES evaluation).

Currently, the Program Coordinator is Professor Dr. Teodiano Freire Bastos FIlho and the Assistant Coordinator is Professor Dr. Jair Adriano Lima Silva.

The tendency for the future of the PPGEE is to continue to evolve in order to achieve the next goal: to obtain concept 6 in the next CAPES evaluation, an evaluation level considered to be of excellence by the funding body. The basis for us being able to pass through this evaluation has been working to increase the
number of publications in qualified journals, expanding the Program's scientific output, involving both students and teachers. This increase can be traced back to the requirement in the Program's Regulations that students on the Master's and Doctorate courses in Electrical Engineering at UFES need effective publications on their CVs in order to have their defenses approved.

In addition, permanent professors must meet the requirement of having two articles published in qualified journals in a three-year evaluation period in order to continue as permanent professors of the PPGEE, or else be holders of CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Research
Productivity Scholarships. In this way, the tendency is for the program's faculty to become more compact, but with a higher average number of publications per permanent professor.

Therefore, the Professors awarded with the Research Productivity Scholarship (PQ) stand out:

Anselmo Frizera Neto (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 1C)
Arnaldo Gomes Leal Junior (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 2)
Camilo Arturo Rueda Medina (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 2)
Helder Roberto de Oliveira Rocha (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 2)
Jair Adriano Lima Silva (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 2)
Lucas Frizera Encarnação (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 2)
Marcelo Eduardo Vieira Segatto (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 1C)
Maria Jose Pontes (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 1D)
Mario Sarcinelli Filho (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 1C)
Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho (Scholarship PQ do CNPq, level 1C)
At the same time, as reported in previous years, a significant investment has been made so that each full-time student has a computer available for their exclusive use throughout their stay in the program, with the aim of reducing the average time it takes for these students to graduate.

Considering these aspects, we expect the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering at UFES to maintain an expressive scientific production associated with the Theses and Dissertations of its graduates, in order to reach the level necessary to be evaluated as a course of international scope (concept 6) in the near future.

Graduates and enrolled:The program already has 485 masters and 160 doctors and counts with 173 students regularly enrolled, being 102 in the masters and 71 in the doctorate.

Name of the coordinators and assistants-coordinators:

Name of coordinators and assistant coordinators:

Period: 2024-2026
Coordinator: Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho
Assistant Coordinator: Jair Adriano Lima Silva

Period: 2022-2024
Coordinator: Domingos Sávio Lyrio Simonetti
Assistant Coordinator: Hélio Marcos André Antunes

Period: 2020-2022
Coordinator: Domingos Sávio Lyrio Simonetti
Assistant Coordinator: Lucas Frizera Encarnação

Period: 2018-2020
Coordinator: Evandro Ottoni Teatini Salles
Assistant Coordinator: Lucas Frizera Encarnação

Period: 2016-2018
Coordinator: Evandro Ottoni Teatini Salles
Assistant Coordinator: Anselmo Frizera Neto

Period: 2014-2016
Coordinator: Moisés Renato Nunes Ribeiro
Assistant Coordinator: Evandro Ottoni Teatini Salles

Period: 2012-2014
Coordinator: Moisés Renato Nunes Ribeiro
Assistant Coordinator: Anselmo Frizera Neto

Period: 2006-2012
Coordinator: Mário Sarcinelli Filho
Assistant Coordinator: Marcelo Eduardo Vieira Segatto

Period: 2002 - 2006
Coordinator: Mário Sarcinelli Filho
Assistant Coordinator: Celso José Munaro

Period: 1998-2002
Coordinator: Gilberto Costa Drumond Sousa
Assistant Coordinator: Mário Sarcinelli Filho

Period: 1996-1998
Coordinator: Mário Sarcinelli
Assistant Coordinator:Gilberto Costa Drumond Sousa

Period: 1992-1996
Coordinator: Mário Sarcinelli Filho

Period: 1991-1992
Coordinator: Edson de Paula Ferreira
Assistant Coordinator: Mário Sarcinelli Filho

Program report of the CAPES mark:

Period of Evaluation: . . . . . . . Concept:

2017-2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (Very Good)
2013-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (Very Good)
2010-2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (Good)
2007-2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (Good)
2004-2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (Good)
2001-2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (Regular)
1998-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (Good)

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