Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
12/05/2014 24 Coordinator *
24/05/2013 24 Coordinator *
23/05/2013 24 Coordinator *
01/10/2012 24 Researcher *
03/05/2011 36 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
JOELSON DE CARVALHO ROCHA JÚNIOR 13/12/2021 MSc in Electrical Engineering
ODAIR DE BARROS JUNIOR 11/08/2021 DSc in Electrical Engineering
RENAN COSTA LAZARO 25/05/2021 MSc in Electrical Engineering
Liquid level estimation and fluid identification using FBG temperature sensors via machine learning algorithms KATIUSKI PEREIRA NASCIMENTO 05/05/2021 MSc in Electrical Engineering
WANDERCLEYSON MARCHIORI SCHEIDEGGER 23/12/2020 MSc in Electrical Engineering


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
WAGNER COIMBRA DE MORAES JUNIOR Co-advisor * Proposal for msc dissertation
WAGNER DIAS CASAGRANDE Development of a neurofeedback system focusing on attentional state and validation based on source location and effective connectivity 28/10/2024 Advisor Doctoral thesis
BRAYAN SNEIDER MORENO AREVALO Human-Machine Interaction in a Self-Paced Treadmill: Comparison of Control Strategies and Development of Serious Games 09/09/2024 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
FABIANA SANTOS VIEIRA MACHADO Development of a mixed reality environment for the rehabilitation of people with impaired mobility using gait support strategies 22/04/2024 Advisor Doctoral thesis
BRENO CARNEIRO MACEDO 22/03/2024 Advisor Academic master's dissertation


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